The amazing leprechaun is famous in many ways, but especially about his treasure and the legends of how if one can capture a leprechaun they can have his treasure...
We have created a PDF and "epub" book of tales about leprechauns and treasure and also a PDFcollection of tunes related to leprechauns and treaure. The tunes are presented in a basic arrangement with guitar chords and a keyboard (or harp) accompaniment. You can use these basic arrangements to create your own version....
Leprechaun & Treasure Tunes

Crock of Gold
Digging For Gold
Five Gold Coins
Keeper of the Treasure
Luathradawn's Jig
Paddy Ryan's Dream
About Gold
Silver and Gold Two-Step
Silver and Gold
The Leprechaun Step
The Leprechaun Tunes
The Leprechaun
Vanishing Leprechaun MP3
sample arrangement
A Book of Tales
about Leprechauns and Treasure
In PDF and epub formats
About the Leprechaun….
Clever Tom and the Leprechaun
The Leprechaun in the Garden
The Three Leprechauns
The Little Shoe
Dreaming Tim Jarvis
The Legend of Ballytowtas Castle
The Countess Kathleen O'Shea
The Story of Conn-Eda; or, The Golden Apples of Lough Erne
A Unique Little Tale…
The Altar Cup in Aagerup
Treasure & Magical Plants

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The Music of Fairies, Druids, Spirits (and more)

history, in every culture, there have been tales
and legends about supernatural music, the music of
fairies, spirits, music with powers to enchant, heal,
charm, mystify and cause mischief.
We have prepared a PDF collection of such tunes as music notation.
Also PDF collections of old stories, legends and tales of fairies and music.
Music of the Fairies Page
New: We have also now created an MP3 collection of many of the fairy tunes for those of you who may learn by ear, or for those who may be interested in hearing these tunes. Listen to samples on the Music Of the Fairies page...
Even Newer: Three new collections:
Tales and Tunes about theLeprechaun
and his Treasure
The Music of Magic and Enchantment
A collection of tunes related to
mystery, magic, wonder etc..
Happy Go Lucky Tunes
The music of luck and laughter.
The Cider Press Unique PDF ebook collection for historical researchers,
music history researchers and for the just plain curious folks out there....
Explore - The Amaranth Publishing
web pages
Including the music of the spheres, the music of a Renaissance alchemist, music created by software and artificial intelligence, the music of the fairies, the music of the Illuminati, the world's most mysterious book, the world's oldest song, a way you can compose music like Mozart, the world's oldest love song, and much more........