The United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, more commonly known as the Shakers, was founded circa 1747 in England and then organized in Colonial America in the 1780s. They were often known as the "Shaking Quakers" because of their unique and ecstatic behavior during worship services. Espousing egalitarian ideals, women took on spiritual leadership roles alongside men.
They practiced a celibate and communal lifestyle and pacifism. They are also known for their simple living, architecture, technological innovation, and furniture, art and music.
The Shakers composed thousands of songs, and also created many dances; both were an important part of the Shaker worship services. In Shaker society, a spiritual "gift" or "vision" could also be a musical revelation or a musical dream, and they considered it important to notate such musical inspirations as they occurred.
We have collected and created notation in PDF format for 21 Shaker melodies, incuding the melodies for "vision" and "gift" songs, that includes basic arrangements, with guitar chords and piano or harp accompaniment. These basic arrangments can be used as the basis for creation your own arrangements of these melodies.
A Cup Of Rejoicing
Bird Song
Bow and Be Simple
Call For Love
Come Dance and Sing
From The Moon
Gift Song
Holy Order Song
How Great is the Pleasure
Ine Vine Violet
Mother Ann's Song
Primitive Dance
Quick Dance
Shaker Turning Shuffle
Spiritual Wine
Sweet Spirits Do Surround Us Now
The Pleasant Walk
Vision Song
Vision Song 2
MP3 sample of arrangement of "Vision Song 2"
You can purchase the Shaker PDF collection for $5.00

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