Hannah's Song
The art & music of Hannah Cohoon

While her fame as a an artist rests on only four existing works of art, Hannah Cohoon (1781–1864) has the unique reputation as the most well known 19th century artist of the Shaker religion. The paintings of Hannah Cohoon have been reproduced in many forms, from embroidery to prints and her images are known across the world, even if some don't even know her name.
What is not widely known, even amongst those who know about Hannah Cohoon, is that she also composed music. We feature one of her songs on this page.
What little is known of Hannah's life story seems to show that she was unschooled as an artist and created her famous painting from her heart.
She began her mystical drawings in 1845 during a time of personal "mystical excitement". Shaker women often experienced spiritual elation, visions of the spirit land, and music heard during their ecstatic experiences. These experiences were often expressed in painting and music.
While she lived most of her life, a simple life, in the Shaker communities, as so often happens, now her few painting are a monetary commodity for collectors and sell in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Hannah Cohoon died on January 7, 1864 at Hancock, just before her seventy-sixth birthday, and she is buried in the Family Cemetery of the Church.
We discovered the following rare example of a melody composed by Hannah Cohoon in an old Shaker hymnal.
If you listen to this lovely melody, you can see that it can clearly be used in various ways to create an interesting piece of music.
We have prepared a group of notation examples of Hannah's song in PDF format.
This includes...
The notation for the melody:
MP3 sample
An 8 part score for solo melody instrument, 2 harps, 2 pianos, cello, 2 guitars (includes a guitar part with chord names).
Note: The interesting thing about this score is that it is designed so that one can use the 8 various parts to create multiple different arrangements, use various instuments, and as a basis for improvising.
MP3 sample
2 scores of quartets using the melody.
Both quartets, played one after the other:
MP3 sample

Price - $4.00
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Two fun arrangements using Hannah's Song:
MP3 for flute and orchestra
MP3 arranged for 3 guitars
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The early American Shakers practiced a celibate and communal lifestyle and pacifism. They are also known for their simple living, architecture, technological innovation, and furniture, art and music.
They also composed thousands of songs, and also created many dances; both were an important part of the Shaker worship services. In Shaker society, a spiritual "gift" or "vision" could also be a musical revelation or a musical dream, and they considered it important to notate such musical inspirations as they occurred.
Shaker Visions |

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This collection is in PDF format, with scans of the original sheet music and covers, prepared as easy to print on standard size paper.
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Ragtime Women Composers - $4.00
The Guitar Music Of
The Amazing "Mrs.

Waltz 1847
The Flowers
Of Andalusia 1850
Rosignol Polka 1850
Carnival Of
Venice 1847
The Adieu (El Adios) 1866
Madame Delores Nevares de Goñi was one of the most prominent and talented guitarists of her time. Her performances were widely popular throughout the Americas between 1841 and 1892.
Madame De Goni's first husband also was a guitarist, but in 1845 she married George Knoop, a renowned cellist, after Sr. de Goni ..discreetlty left the scene. Most of her guitar compositions were published using only the name "Mrs Knoop".
An 1840 notice in the New York Herald:
"A distinguished female, professor of the Spanish guitar, has just arrived from Europe' Her name is Dona Dolores de Goni, a Spanish lady of exquisite beauty, and still more exquisite accomplishments in Spanish music. During the last spring and summer she gave many exhibitions before the royalty and nobility of England, that brought forth great applause. Despite the lavish claims in the press notice, de Goni was only moderately successful in London."
Download the music of Mrs. Knoop
Scans of the original sheet music in PDF format, prepared for easy printing on standard size paper.
You will quickly be sent the download link by email after your payment is processed.

$3.50 - Paypal or Credit-Card
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The Cider Press Unique PDF ebook collection for historical researchers,
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