Piano Solos
5. Amaranth Waltz - 1873
6. Boston Templar March - 1895
7. De Molay Grand March - year unknown
8. Eastern Star Grand March - 1877
9. Eastern Star Quadrille - 1875
10. The Jolly Brothers Polka - 1872 (This one is composed by "A. Mason".
11. Keystone March - 1855
12. Knights Templar Festival March - 1855
13. Knights Templar Grand March - 1877
14. Masonic Funeral March - Year unknown
15. Masonic Grand March - Year unknown
16. Rosslyn Castle - 1856
More vocal music
17. A Masonic Ode - Year Unknown - (very early 19th Century, arranged by Benjamin Carr, Colonial music publisher and composer)
18. Masonic Hymn - 1873
New addition:
This is the earliest printed collection of American Masonic music we have yet found, called "Masonick Melodies", published in Boston in 1818. The preface states this:
"More than a year has elapsed, since the compila-
tion of the Masonick Melodies was commenced, but the
Publisher hopes his patrons will find a compensation for
the delay, in the care and labor, bestowed on the select
ion and correction of the work. The want of success
in most of the former productions of this kind has shewn
that the Craft are not yet provided with a book, which
satisfactorily unites harmony with sentiments, corres-
ponding with the pure and benevolent principles of their
Institution. The Compiler assures them that his best
exertions have been used to present a work free from
vulgar and objectionable sentiments, and which contains
nothing but what will harmonize with their moral de-
signs. The musick is of an approved style, and at the
same time simple and may be read by those of moderate
musical acquirements. The upper part through the
book, excepting the 70th page, is the air, and set for
the first voice, and most of the pieces, which are harmon-
ized for two or more voices, may be sung in the air as
The book is now presented to the Fraternity ; and
that it may meet their approbation and deserve their
patronage is the earnest wish of THE COMPILER."
It is a rather interesting 200 page collection of melodies and lyrics with some rather unique songs such as one called "Hail! Mysterious Glorius Science".
Here is a list of the scanned index of the pieces included in this early Masonic music collection: