American Songs and Chants

Native American MP3 Music
Transcriptions and solo instrumental recordings of Native American songs, chants, dream songs, etc.
1. The Earth Only Endures
You can download The Earth Only Endures for $6.00 in the format of 2 "zip" files . After your Paypal or Credit card payment is processed, you will quickly be sent an email with the download link.

A Black Tail Deer
A Root Of Herb
A Spirit Has Come
As The Hawk Soars MP3 sample
Bear Told Me
Behold The Dawn
Buffalo Song.
Corn Grinding Song 1
Corn Grinding Song 2
Corn Grinding Song 3
Dance Song
Herbal Chant
Hunting Song
I Sing For The Animals
I Wish To Roam
In A Sacred Manner I Live
Invocation To The Sun God - Rain Prayer
Love Song 2
Love Song.
Mountain Song
Owl Song
Sky Maiden
Something I Foretold
Song For The Sun & Moon
Song of Healing MP3 sample
Song Of The Night Dance
The Sunrise
The Earth Only Endures
2. Wolf Chants
Transcriptions of Native American songs related to wolves

You can download the collection Wolf Chants for $4.00 in the format of a "zip" file . After your Paypal or Credit card payment is processed, you will quickly be sent an email with the download link.

Song Of The Old Wolf
MP3 sample
I Dreamed I Was A Wolf
Like A Wolf I Roam
Lone Wolf Howling - (an actual transcription of a wolf howling)
Song Of A Wolf.mp3
Song Of The Young Wolves
Wolf Nation Called Me

Historic Native American Music
Information & Notation
A collection of 19th Century American periodical articles about Native American songs and music, including music notation of many songs and chants.
Price - $5.00
Composer Arthur Farwell
& The Wa-Wan Press
The American "Indianist" composer movement
The Wa-Wan Press was an American music publishing company founded in 1901 by composer Arthur Farwell in Newton Center, Massachusetts. Arthur Farwell (March 23, 1872 – January 20, 1952) was an American composer, conductor, educationalist, lithographer, esoteric savant, and music publisher.
The firm concentrated on publishing compositions by so-called Indianist movement members—composers who incorporated traditional Native American music into their works.
Our website about this composer
and Wa-Wan Press and
the PDF collections offered.

Visit the Cider Press
Early American music,
unusual & unique music,
and ephemera collection.

Explore - The Amaranth Publishing web pages including the music of the spheres, the music of a Renaissance alchemist, music created by software and artificial intelligence, the music of the fairies, the music of the Illuminati, the world's most mysterious book, the world's oldest song, a way you can compose music like Mozart, the world's oldest love song,
and much more........ |
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