Published in 1879, "Santa Claus - A Christmas Cantata", by W. Howard Doane, is a 48 page publication. The Cantata was composed and published with the idea that people of many ages, without intensive music skills, including schools, Sunday Schools and choirs, can perform the piece as a group. The composition was created for simple solo and multi-part choral singing with a piano accompaniment, and also contains non-musical recitations. The cantata can be performed with or without costumes. The theory was to create a lovely but simple cantata that musical and singing people of all ages and skills can perform and enjoy.
You can download a PDF file of a page in the publication where the publisher describes the concept of the cantata.

Mr. Doane and the publisher clearly conceived of this composition as an enjoyable and creative, yet still simple and colorful way for both children and adults or a combination thereof to celebrate Christmas.

Downloading the Christmas Cantata
We have created a PDF file that contains scans of the original sheet music and can be downloaded for $2.50. The PDF file has been created for easy and high resolution black and white printing,
After your secure Paypal or credit-card payment is processed, you will be directed to the download link.
Download the Christmas Cantata - $2.50