Bamboo Flowers
Usually bamboos flower only once in their lifetime and die after bearing fruit.
Some species can also flower annually without dying. However flowering is
a great strain on the plant and most species flower only once every 50-120
years. When they do, it is usually followed either by slow growth for several
years or massive dieback. A few species flower en masse no matter their location
and climate, synchronizing their dieback/suicide across oceans and continents.
The individual flowers are formed from ears and panicles and measure only
a few millimeters. The bamboos normally flower in the last months of a year
and seeds mature at the beginning of the next year.

All bamboo fruits are edible. The majority of bamboo species produce
ripe fruits only rarely. Most fruits falls to the ground before ripening.
The ability of the seeds to germinate is very low. To cultivate artificially
the bamboo is surer and much quicker consequently.
tree very hard and stable
bamboo flexible not stable
Yet a strong wind blows an oak tree down
while a bamboo tree bend- retracts
Then springs back stronger
- Chinese Proverb

a PDF file with detailed instructions
for how to make bamboo flutes.
For those of you who can't grow your own bamboo, or don't have access
to any poles to make flutes, you might find some source at the:
American Bamboo Society