Some of the oddest pieces of music with the strangest names, ever published, happend in early America. In fact, it seemed to have a popular thing to come up with weird titles, subject and at times lyrics. We have created a PDF collection of many of these pieces of music using scans of the original sheet music. The PDF is prepared for easy printing in black and white on standard size paper.
Bizarre Waltz
Bizarre Gavote
Buzz Away Mosquito (song, by M.O.S.Q.U.I.T.O.)
The John-Donkey
The Esoteric Hop
Free Love Polka - MP3 sample
(by One Of The Free Lovers)
Funny Fellow March
Good Humor Polka
Grass Hopper's Waltz
The Hippopotamus Polka
Hot Shot March
In Good Humor Galop
Good Humor Polka
Joke Polka
Good Humor Waltz
Good Humor March (Piano Duet)
Money Bags March
Three Little Pigs – (song)
Good Humor Polka
Pythagoras Bolero
Good Humor Schottisch
Squirrel’s Waltz
Weird Polka
Book Worm Waltzes
The Wizards Polka
You can download the PDF Collection for $5.00

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Good Humor Lodge

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Amaranth Publishing
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world of unique music of many kinds