Finally, we have a tune with a history to play as we work to replace the rogues from both of America's ruling political machines at all levels of government and vote them out.............
The Rogues March
Performed by
The People's Conspiracy Jug Band (PCJB)
Also, below, you can order the PCJB's greatest hits!
The melody of The Rogue's March was a well known tune used by the American army during the Revolution. The tune was played when military and/or civil rogues, criminals, offenders and various undesirable characters were drummed from camps and cantonments. Sometimes the rogue(s) would be marched about with a halter around their necks, and usually with the final disgrace of a farewell ritual kick in the butt from the youngest drummer.
Some historians say that the actual ceremony was quite impressive. It apparently consisted of the largest number of drummers and fifers possible to muster. The prisoner or offender would be paraded in front of the loud band while the Rogue's March was played all the while, and marched all the way to the entrance of the camp. The rogue(s) coat would be worn inside out as a sign of disgrace, and his hands were bound behind
him as he was marched to the entrance and evicted with instructions never to return to the area again.

And to make matters public, the sentence would then be published in a local newspaper for all to read and talk about.
The history of the tune is a bit vague but it appears in common use for the above purpose in late 18th century,
although it is very likely that the tune, with its association, had been in use in various forms long before that time.
3 MP3 samples of arrangements of
The Rogue's March
The Rogue's March - MP3
Rogues March - bagpipes - MP3
Rogues March 3
MP3s Performed by the:

"Music to dance in the streets to while you protest stupidity in your government. There are few things that unnerve a corrupt politician more than seeing protesting citizens dancing in the streets outside their office in celebration of liberty, freedom and justice." -
J.S. Jamieson, Founder of:
The International War Against Stupidity
The People's Conspiracy
Jug Band's
Greatest Hits!
1. The Protest Toddle
2. A New Song To Resist Injustice
3. By Jove I'll Be Free!
4. Constitution March- MP3
5. Dancing and Protesting
6. Free America
7. Independence Hornpipe
8. Liberty
9. Repeal The Unjust Tax!
Download a "zip file" with all 9 classic and amazing People's Conspiracy Jug Band's Greatest Hits MP3s for the unbelievably low price of only $5.00!!!

Price - $5.00
After your payment is processed you will quickly be sent by email the download link.
The People's Conspiracy Jug Band
is a project of

International War Against Stupidity
Considering the crazy ways things seem to keep happening after we send the politicians from both political parties to Washington D.C., a new kind of candidate for President might not be a bad idea. Or, we could revive an old campaign.
Listen to the original Howdy Doody For President campaign songs..........
Howdy Doody For President |
Explore - The Amaranth Publishing web pages including the music of the spheres, the music of a Renaissance alchemist, music created by software and artificial intelligence, the music of the fairies, the music of the Illuminati, the world's most mysterious book, the world's oldest song, a way you can compose music like Mozart, the world's oldest love song,
and much more........ |