Kash, C.M. Coolidge, Cassius Marcellus Coolidge, Cash*, who is
this guy you ask? Well, because of my extensive research, while planning
my book on Coolidge, entitled On the Tail of C. M. Coolidge…. The Life and Times of Cassius Marcellus Coolidge ©*,
I can definitely tell you this: he just happens to be the “world’s most
famous unknown artist” and as you will learn, he also lived a very
dynamic life! Take note! This meandering road I’ve traveled while
discovering “Kash”, has sometimes been pretty bumpy. So my friends
buckle your seat belts because; the tale of how this Renaissance man,
and his lovely daughter Marcie, came into my life is EASIER TO BEGIN
The day that Kash Coolidge entered my life was actually one
evening a few years back. As it so happened during that fateful evening
I, along with our beautiful canine companion Sadie, was just being lazy
lying sprawled out under the ceiling fan in the center path of the den
floor. Sadie and I were the best of friends and we were just lying there
munching on some popcorn while we were watching a rerun of a funny
television show. It was then that the smell of popcorn lured my husband
Mark into the room, claiming as he interrupted us, that he just wanted
to pass through. Me, and my gal pal, we claimed our turf! We just stayed
where we were and looked brazenfaced up at him. In our lazy and
stubborn mood we were just daring him to ask us to move. (Sadie’s
beautiful brown eyes were saying, “If you make me move, your house
slippers are mincemeat”.) Of course Mark couldn’t help but give in to
our blockade and was forced to zigzag his way through as he carefully
stepped over me, and our gal pal Sadie.
doing this bit of balancing act Mark said, “some one needs to write a
book about that guy”. Without missing a toss ofpopcorn toSadie I said,
“who, what guy”? He then said, “the guy who painted those pictures of
dogs playing poker, there on the TV show”. Without giving it a second
thought, to this I replied, “oh well, I will”. Thus with this bold
comment, my years of trials and tribulations began between, “ Cash,
Marcie and Me”.
OBSTACLES! As far as writing goes, I did have a little bit of experience
writing a couple of tit for tats for local reading but, an undertaking
such as this had always been my “someday” dream. Like everyone else
taking on such a project, I have had my obstacles. My first problem was
how do I, while living in the southern region of the U.S. research
someone whose personal life was virtually unknown, and who was born and
raised in the great north. Plus, “ Kash” happened to have been born over
150 years ago, to boot. Add the fact that I own and work in a small printing business
with my husband and I also had a part-time job at a local bookstore. If
you can imagine, those particulars and my current job requirements have
put a bit of restraint on my spare time to say the least. But also a
hindrance was the fact that I am an old school type of person, and I was
not very computer friendly. Just give me a pen and some paper to write
on, and an old bookstore to rummage through on a cold and rainy Saturday
morning and I’m happy. But, the problem with that was I wasn’t finding
very much information to guide me in my discovery concerning Cash.
Remember I live about 2,000 miles away from his hometown and also I had
very little personal background to go on. What’s a girl going to do? This question hit me especially hard
when I was diagnosed with cancer. Listen to your body folks! I was
lucky! My proactive doctor and my skilled surgeon went after my
aggressive cancer and, with given grace I am still here. So what’s a
girl going to do? Well I’ve pressed onward.
HOPE’S JUST AROUND THE CORNER I was settling in for the long haul, and one of the first
things I decided that I had to do was to make myself a sizable
workspace. So to begin this process I went out and bought myself a
comfortable, but cheap, office chair. Of course I had to
a place for my chair so, I took over the seldom used living room and in
there, I set up three big fold up tables into a U shape, that way I
figured that I could roll from table to table. This was a good decision,
because ever since then these tables have been serving as a spacious
and sturdy desk space. The room now, along with having the tables, is
lined with nine bookshelves. I love books and I have been pretty lucky
that my heavy- duty plastic shelves have not collapsed due to my
numerous research books, maps and other materials that I have gradually
collected and piled onto them. Importantly, my endless supply of storage
bins have proven to be useful in keeping my written works and research
away from doggie’s chew. (Sadie could shred paper better, and as fast,
as a paper- shredding machine) Of course by creating my work/writing space in the living room
left me with no choice but to create a maze of long phone wires to run
to my now necessary hand me down computer. So, first of all I ran a long
phone cord up the far wall of the den, then across the ceiling and
around the room and finally through the velvet curtained door of the den
to reach the living room where it was then passed through a
freestanding book- shelf to reach my old computer. Functional? Yes! But
it was really the dog bed behind my office chair that finally made my
room complete. I may be knee deep in books and research materials and it
isn’t as pretty a Coolidge picture but it’s been “my space”!
LIFT OFF! As far as research goes, to be honest I did solicit the
assistance of my husband to help me gain information into some of my
initial contacts. To complicate things, I didn’t have a cell phone nor
did we have a long distance provider for our landline so, I went out and
bought myself some phone cards. Lift off! I could now begin calling
and talking with various individuals across the nation. This turned out to be a pretty entertaining experience
because, I got to talk with some mighty lively characters and, because
of the rapport between some of us, many of the conversations would get
long and carried away. At first we might be talking about “Kash” and
before you knew it some of our conversations turned into what you might
call just plain ole friendly “kitchen talk”. Also while doing my outreach I have written letters and
numerous e-mails to various people and places and, to all of these
helpful people and those in my future, I am continuously and personally
Mark, my husband, then went into his Sherlock mode. Thanks to him, one
of my initial contacts was a very generous gentleman, who as it turned
out happened to know Cash’s daughter Marcie, and ever since then I have
been very grateful that he gave me a way to contact her. Yes, at this
time Marcie was an older youngster and as you can surmise, Cash had to
have been a younger oldster when she was born (wink, wink, that is
another story).
CONTACT MADE!! In the beginning I was very apprehensive about contacting
Marcie. But once having her phone number in hand: early one weekend
afternoon I planned my introduction. I waited until Mark was taking a
nap and while it was just Sadie there to listen, I took out the list of
questions that I had previously prepared to ask Marcie. I then
carefully and in order of importance laid my notepads out in front of me
along with several pens (in case one stopped working) and I nervously
called. After all, I was cold calling the daughter of the world’s most
famous unknown artist and I was not sure what to expect. Well, after introducing myself and we entered into our
conversation I had no further need to be nervous because, Marcie was a
very charming lady, and she graciously talked with me. Boy it was a good
thing that I had bought a phone card with a lot of minutes on it
because Marcie and I easily talked and talked and laughed and laughed
and talked some more. Also through time and on an irregular basis there
were many other calls. Some of my calls were not long or detailed for I
would sometimes make a quick call just to ask her how she was doing. As
it so happened, after some time of calling and sending greeting cards (I
always sent her cards with cats or funny animals on the front), Marcie
asked me to come for a visit and to stay with her.
THE VISIT!!!!!!Of course I accepted her invitation and I was so excited that I
was actually going to go to California and meet Marcie in person that I
couldn’t stop grinning. Some years ago I had previously lived in both
San Francisco and Culver City, California, and I had also driven the
most southern parts of the state so; my feet were going to be firmly
grounded into the territory and my hopes were going to be high in the
air when that big jet airliner sat down near the beautiful blue waters
of San Diego, California.
What to Pack! I didn’t even know what to pack for my journey.
Questions that probably only a woman might think of kept popping into my
head! Questions like: what is her lifestyle? She sounded casual but
would I be too casual for her liking? When I took her out to dinner
would I need to dress up? While doing my packing I double- checked my inventory! Money
and charge card yes and yes. Camera, note pads, pens even my magnifying
glass, packed! I was ready to meet Marcie in person, or so I thought. I
sort of had an idea but I could never have been totally prepared for
meeting this little piece of dynamite named, Marcie Coolidge.
MADE IT!Upon arriving in San Diego and after parking my rental car on
Marcie’s short and narrow street, I nervously walked the sidewalk that
ran along the flowering natural landscape of her front yard. It didn’t
take me long to reach the steps of the setting porch, and then it was
only a couple or three bounces and I was up the steps and on the porch
and at her front door. I was really there! So I knocked on the screen
door and out popped Marcie. There she was all five feet or so of her and
she greeted me as casual as she came. In the bright of day I couldn’t help but take notice of her
big smile and the fact that she had eyes like her daddy’s and I knew
then, that I was at the right house. In fact, she looked so much like
her Dad that their similarity would have made him proud, and independent
like her father, yes sir, the lady had it altogether. Even if Marcie
was beyond retirement age she had a set life and you could tell that she
was enjoying it. Pinch me! For beyond my wildest dreams I was actually on
Marcie’s front porch and after a quick introduction she said, “come on
in”, and then held the door open for me. Just inside the door was her
tidy book filled living room and to the left was her more casual sun
porch. This sunroom was obviously her personal haven where she would
read, watch TV and enjoy one of her favorite pastimes and that was to
make needlepoint pillows. It was in the sunroom where she offered me a place to set on her couch that had been nicely plumped up with her handmade
pillows. Almost all of the pillows had a cat design of one sort or
another on it and had been made by Marcie herself. I sat down on the
couch and Marcie sat nearby in her favorite chair whose side table was
full of books and papers and whatnots. We had talked only a short while
before she asked about my suitcase and when doing so she also reaffirmed
her invitation for me to stay with her. (Not to be pushy, I had left my
suitcase in the rental car.) So the next thing I do is bring my case inside, and then
Marcie casually lead me to and set me up in her simple extra bedroom. I
had hardly set my suitcase down before she started showing me a few
things of interest that she had laid out for my coming: all of which
concerned her father, “Cash”. Wow, I couldn’t help it, I was humbled and
feeling so privileged just to be there!
BUT HERE IS WHERE THE KICKERS SET IN...Well, like all healthy looking women our thoughts turn to food.
I told Marcie that I would run down to the nearby store to buy some
snacks, drinks and etc. So, our little Marcie starts going through her
fridge to make sure breakfast would be at hand for the next morning. As
the inventory went along the egg check came. “Yes, we have plenty of
eggs” she says. But me once being a victim of a bad egg, I double-
checked the date on the carton. Then trying not to be rude I say, “ we
can’t eat these, they are out of date”. “They will be ok”, she says. Me
remembering my painful experience I then say, “ no we can’t, we might
get sick”. So here I am, I have been here for less than an hour at the
home of the daughter of the world’s most famous unknown artist and we
are debating bad eggs. Well I prevailed. I now had buy “ eggs” on my
list and we were both happy.When I told Marcie that I was going to run to the store down
the street, I forgot to tell her that I am one of those persons whose
minute in the store turns to well, a long time for the person waiting.
What Marcie had not told me yet was that a gentleman friend of hers was
coming over to take us out to dinner in less than an hour. She could never have imagined my being gone so long to a
store. But, I wanted to make sure we had plenty of good eats, and I
looked at everything on all the isles in my usual hypnotized state to
find them. Well imagine to my surprise when I arrived back to her house
and found that the door was unlocked but nobody was at home. I didn’t
know it at the time but, Marcie and her gentleman friend had left me
behind, and I in turn ended up thinking that I had lost her. In the
middle of my blunder I thought that she might have thought that I had
gotten lost and had walked outside to find me. So I tear outside and
start looking for her. I asked a few neighbors who were outside walking
if they had seen her and they all had replied, “no they hadn’t”.
my goodness! Where was she! Can you imagine in my complete stupidity I
actually thought that I had lost Marcie? Here I had flown over a
thousand miles to meet and visit the daughter of the world’s most famous
unknown artist and then thinking I had lost her! So not knowing what
else to do, I take my faithful phone card to a phone booth and call my
husband and in a frantic voice I tell him of my tale. He, who has even
to this day always refused to go to the store with me, hardly said more
than “ hum”. As I rambled on, he finally broke in between my babbling
and he calmly said, “she’ll be back, she just went somewhere”. So with my hubby’s assurance, back to Marcie’s I went. When I
got there I waited on the porch and watched up and down the street then I
went inside and paced around and waited and I would pick up a book off
the coffee table and put it back down and look out the window. I love
books but I could not even settle down to look through her interesting
books, not even to refresh my memory as to the ones that I had sent to
her. So here I was, waiting for her like a parent on prom night when
her gentleman friend finally drops her off. Like a teenager Marcie
came casually waltzing through the front door saying “hi” and all I
could say was “I’ve been looking for you”. She then went on to tell me
that they were hungry and got tired of waiting for me so they went ahead
to dinner. So there I was, I had missed out on a dinner that I did not
even realized that I had invited to. (Egg on my face, huh.)
So with her full dinner belly and my snacking to contentment, we
sat down to visit. I once again sat on the comfy couch and she in her
favorite chair and then the talking really began. I have to say that we
didn’t only talk about her Dad, Marcie was a great independent soul and
I also wanted to know her. So, there was a lot of plain ole girl talk,
and we even talked about some personal things that I have chosen to
never repeat in public. In fact, I’ve only told one confidential source,
some of those tidbits. But after awhile of us talking it was getting
late and nearing Marcie’s bedtime so, she took me into my room and
opened it up for me.
THE BEDROOM CLOSET!!!!! What was so special about the closet you say, well
that is where she had placed numerous items of her fathers: including,
believe it or not, a couple of original paintings. So like a couple of
giddy school girls we carefully took them out of the closet, and having
no other place to put them we propped them up on the bedroom floor.

Marcie was very nonchalant about it all, for after all she like
cats better than dogs. But I was very highly impressed and so I clicked
a few pictures. To see the actual paintings first hand and seeing
Coolidge’s brush strokes and the true colors of his paintings was
amazing. But even with the low lighting in the bedroom you could tell
which one was the picture that Marcie, like a kid who couldn’t stay out
of her fathers things, confessed that she had tried to touch up by
herself by using some sort of varnish. That was also amazing.
I had a long first night at Marcie’s house. You see before we
went to bed, she had handed me her Dad’s hand written personal diaries.
Of course I was compelled to set up until the wee hours of the morning
reading his over a century old personal notes, including his
observations and thoughts about many things. A lot of his writing was in
faded pencil, and that’s where my trusty magnifying glass that I had
brought with me came in handy. When reading his diaries I was surprised
to learn that Cassius
Coolidge wasa Mason. He had even written in one of his diaries “Royal
Arch Degree Confirmed.” (Finding this out is what started me on my
journeys down the corridors of freemasonry.)* Boy that was an exciting night, and to top it all off I got to
wake up with two of Coolidge’s original paintings propped casually
around me! Then while I was lying there awake, I noticed that there was a
morning light filtering through the windows that overlooked Marcie’s
cactus garden in her small backyard. Seeing this, I took out my camera
and tried to take some better pictures of the paintings. I am not a
great photographer and my pictures are not very professional looking but
that does not matter because they are still special to me. Can you
imagine being given the opportunity to sleep and wake up with a couple
of the original versions of dogs playing poker paintings propped a few
feet across from your head. That was pretty cool if you ask me, and I
have my photographs to show for the experience.
JUST A CRUISING ?! The next evening we (together) headed out to dinner. Marcie no
longer drove because it seems that someone at the California DMV had
had the audacity to suspend her driver’s license: of course this was an
occurrence that this lady on the go was not happy about. So anyway we
head out into some rather misty weather. You know the kind that is just
enough to make the streets slick. Woe is me in a unfamiliar car in a
city that I am not sure of, going to a restaurant that I didn’t know
where it was and here Marcie was not even sure of how to get there
because, she wasn’t doing the driving. I could have sworn that there were two of us driving behind
the wheel that night. “Turn right here” she would say (and point to the
right) and I would say “I can’t I’m in the far left lane and cars are
coming”. We could have been Curly and Moe as we wondered the side
streets of San Diego that night. After about an hour of making tracks,
we did finally make it to her favorite nearby restaurant. I have to say
that the journey was well worth it. For once settled, we two shorties
sat in this big booth and with our legs a dangling and a swinging, we
talked and ate to our content, some darned good chicken potpies. It was
fine evening after all. We returned to her home and we talked and later
I read and made more notes and then another copy run the next morning.
But those few days flew by much too fast.
MARCIE, Cassius Marcellus Coolidge’s
only daughter!
She was a novelty in her own time, she was an independent
woman who had built her own company and had made her own money, and she
preferred cats over dogs and didn’t care who knew it. On my return flight I clutched the box of copies and the what
ever that she had passed on to me. Later on Marcie sent me a card and
asked why didn’t I move to San Diego, “ the weather was much nicer”.
There was another time I managed to visit her, but that time was cut
much too short. Later on I didn’t tell her that I had cancer because I
knew that she would worry and I couldn’t not tell her if I talked to her
so I took the easy and maybe the selfish way out, and much to my
regret, I just sort of dropped out. I remember the day that I found out that Marcie was gone. That was the day when the agent for her estate returned an unopened
present that I had sent to Marcie. On that day my husband and I were
out in the front yard when the mail came, and I took one look at the
unopened box and said “ she’s gone” and a feeling of great sadness and
tears came over me because, you couldn’t help but love that Marcie.
Yes the book is coming along very well and yes I can always make
room for surprises unknown to me at this time. I have over come my
dread of computers: even though I still prefer the connection of pen and
paper in expressing original thought. As far as publishing goes, I’ve
got a thought on that one also.For inspiration, setting on the shelves beside me I have a
picture of Marcie and me taken at her home during my first visit, and
also I have pictures of our late Golden Retrievers; first Ginger and now
sorry to say our girl Sadie. But to nudge me on as I work I have
Sadie’s younger pal, Jessie. Jessie (also a golden) is 100% goofball.
One of his favorite things to do is sleep under my work chair and if I
am snacking on popcorn while I am typing his favorite trick is to bump
my arm with his nose or slap a paw on my arm for me to give him a bite.
This of course causes me to make typos and lose my train of thought as I
stop to share some kernels.
All of this, plus a picture of a Coolidge dog, are what is
part of what gives inspiration to me as I round into the next century of
which Cash lived. He has been a part of my life for so long, that I
have learned much by learning about him and his life. When it is all
concluded, you will be able to see that Cassius Marcellus Coolidge was
more than just a guy who painted pictures of Dogs Playing Poker. You
will see that he was QUITE A GUY!

*Notice that Coolidge’s first
name is referred to in different ways. I wrote it that way on purpose to
reaffirm the fact that he himself did the same.
*Discovering that Coolidge was
a Mason led to other research about the Freemasons. During these
searches is when the material was discovered and used for the on-line
book, “Sir William, The Masonic Lodge Goat”©. and also for the soon to be completed, “Sisters in Secret Societies…Sisters Who Love Their Secret Society Men”©, that is to become another on-line book

"Riding The Goat", a Masonic painting
by C. M. Coolidge!
“On the Tail of C.M. Coolidge…
The Life and Times of Cassius Marcellus Coolidge”...
“Another year has gone
How soon it passed away
It does not seem to be a year
It seems more like a day” cmc
Yes time flies when you’re having fun, so the Coolidge book is taking a bit longer.
Please stay with me!
Photo images are privately owned and under copyright.