Robert Fludd, also known as Robertus de Fluctibus (17 January 1574 – 8 September 1637), was a prominent English physician with both scientific and occult interests. He is remembered as an astrologer, mathematician, cosmologist, Qabalist and an early Rosicrucian apologist.
Fludd is best known for his compilations in occult and hermetic philosophy.

Robert Fludd’s Utriusque Cosmi, Maioris scilicet et Minoris, metaphysica, physica, atque technica Historia (1617–1626), a remarkable work which attempts to cover all the
metaphysical, scientific and artistic knowledge of the time, opening
modestly with a detailed description of the creation of the universe.
The publication included numerous detailed engravings of Fludd's concepts and visualizations .

One of the of the amazing creations of Robert Fludd, in Utriusque Cosmi was his vision of "The Temple of Music." Fludd envisioned the theory and practice of music as a huge temple, using a variety of graphic devices, the most fanciful
of which are the “Temples of Music” displaying the notes and divisions
of the Pythagorean scale.
During the same time period a 1626 utopian novel “New Atlantis,” by Francis Bacon portrays a world in which technology will work for the good of humanity. "Sound houses" were constructed as part of the state’s creation to discover how nature works, imitating all its sounds with different sets of imaginary instruments. As Bacon wrote, Sound houses were “…to enlarge their mind to the amplitude of the world and not to reduce the world to the narrowness of their minds.”
In a old manuscript housed at the Yale library, there is an interesting piece of music said to have been composed by Robert Fludd, Dr. Fludd's Dream. A friend at Yale sent us scans of the piece and we have transcribed and arranged the original 3-part composition and also created both a piano and guitar (with tablature) transcription. You can download PDF files of our transcription and arrangements below.
You can listen to MP3 files of all three versions:
Dr. Fludd's Dream
Dr. Fludd's Dream - piano
Dr. Fludd's Dream - guitar

Robert Fludd's Dream
3 versions
1. Original 3 part music
2. Piano transcription
3. finger style guitar transcription
(includes notation & guitar tablature)
Robert Fludd's Dream - $4.00
After your payment is processed you will quickly be sent by email the download link.
Explore - The Amaranth Publishing web pages including the music of the spheres, the music of a Renaissance alchemist, music created by software and artificial intelligence, the music of the fairies, the music of the Illuminati, the world's most mysterious book, the world's oldest song, a way you can compose music like Mozart, the world's oldest love song,
and much more........ |